Post by captainconfident on Jan 28, 2014 18:04:31 GMT
Is it me (Firefox, XP, ancient desktop), or is the site slower and more unstable than ever before? More bad gateways, failed or slow page launches, slow to accept bids, pages launching without full functionality?
I'm getting fed up with having to refresh the page because the column sort link is not working. This is an old problem discussed at length on the old forum. Never addressed.
Post by batchoy on Jan 28, 2014 18:23:21 GMT
Definitely not you, I'm sat here working on a server with dual 12 core processors, hardwired via 1Gbps switches to a 100Mbps fibreoptic connection and I'm getting 500 errors, dns errors, CSS missloads etc etc etc.
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Post by oldgrumpy on Jan 28, 2014 18:37:09 GMT
There's plenty of disgruntlementism on the "Official" FC forum.
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Post by mikeb on Jan 28, 2014 18:38:05 GMT
Is it me (Firefox, XP, ancient desktop), or is the site slower and more unstable than ever before? More bad gateways, failed or slow page launches, slow to accept bids, pages launching without full functionality? I'm getting fed up with having to refresh the page because the column sort link is not working. This is an old problem discussed at length on the old forum. Never addressed. It's not (just) you. p2pindependentforum.com/post/4263/thread
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Post by TFTO on Jan 28, 2014 19:18:29 GMT
It's now screwing up the financials - since about 18:00 whenever I am outbid the amount I am outbiid is taken off my FC total - wierd. I'll send them an email.
Post by captainconfident on Jan 28, 2014 19:47:22 GMT
I don't usually deign to look at their place, but their moderator must have been gagged and tied up as the normally tolerant users are staging a harangueathon.
What's worrying is so many disparate parts of the site are failing to fnction, when they have all worked worked fairly well in the past. As long as the data is not corrupted it's just an inconvenience but really, if I'd just joined FC and found this shambles I'd leave straight away
Post by GSV3MIaC on Jan 28, 2014 21:30:34 GMT
The data =IS= now corrupted, in that my total is adrift from reality by some 4 figure sum - as someone said, I think outbid bids are not going back into the account (which makes it really rather hard to rebid). Raised over in the other place - this is well beyond a joke now, and if I was in charge I'd be pulling the emergency cord until the tech team had half a clue what it was they broke last week. I mean it was a bit shambolic, but it is now definitely worse. Wish I had the gigabit link and 12 core CPUs, but actually it wouldn't help at all with FC .. an 8080 and damp string would get you pretty much the same result. (would be nice for folding, Prime number searching, and heating the house though. 8>.)
Time for another banner advert on the front of their site?? .. something like "closed for repairs, try rebuildingsociety.com, assetz, thincats, or whatever"
Post by batchoy on Jan 28, 2014 21:39:18 GMT
I have a few loans up for sale but apart from that I'm not doing anything and my numbers are fluctuating.
Post by bracknellboy on Jan 28, 2014 21:58:39 GMT
That's really quite scary. I mean all of this thread. Including Batchoy who appears to have Watson at this disposal.
The one thing I'd always had FC down for was pretty reasonable competence on the IT front. But having the financials jumping all over the place ?? Jeez, I've not down a download of anything substantial in terms of transaction records for ..... ever. One has to hope that their backend and backups are rock solid.
Have they by any chance recruited some bodies form TCs IT team recently ?
Post by GSV3MIaC on Jan 28, 2014 22:18:10 GMT
Well I just ran an audit against my transaction reports, and the problem, for me (and my partner) at least, is entirely the rejected auction bids not having been credited back to the account .. the transaction report adds up to what should be there, but vast amounts of it are shown as 'bid' (offer on loan so-and-so) whereas the 'my bids' report summary and the auctions themselves, flatly deny that my money is bid on anything at all right now. Not impressed .. well, several stages past 'not impressed' actually.
Call me paranoid, but I download and archive transaction reports (which are a royal PITA to decode) once a week or so, 'just in case'. I don't have Watson, but I've got enough CPU power to comb through them and generate some real, meaningful, return numbers.
Post by pepperpot on Jan 28, 2014 22:40:15 GMT
My total has now returned to something like it should be, after being down nearly £3k I've no idea if it's completely accurate, but certainly a relief that the background data appears to have been preserved.
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Post by merlin on Jan 28, 2014 22:42:15 GMT
Just to cheer you all up. You may be worried about what FC thinks they owe you but I think FC are worried too as there payments out seem to have slowed up a lot. I flogged of £2k of flaky loans last week and not seen a payment yet. Shows up in my account though so they have not lost it!
Post by GSV3MIaC on Jan 28, 2014 22:50:53 GMT
My total has now returned to something like it should be, after being down nearly £3k I've no idea if it's completely accurate, but certainly a relief that the background data appears to have been preserved. Yep, mine seems to have returned to close to normality too. Not a hint of a glimmer of a word of explanation from the official FC bods though. Perchance they thought we'd not notice?? Luckily no loans seem to have closed in the interim (nothing of interest anyway) so no problems done - I just need to reload a few bids. Well, 'quite a few' .. back later ..
Post by yorkshireman on Jan 29, 2014 0:36:19 GMT
My total has now returned to something like it should be, after being down nearly £3k I've no idea if it's completely accurate, but certainly a relief that the background data appears to have been preserved. Yep, mine seems to have returned to close to normality too. Not a hint of a glimmer of a word of explanation from the official FC bods though. Perchance they thought we'd not notice?? Luckily no loans seem to have closed in the interim (nothing of interest anyway) so no problems done - I just need to reload a few bids. Well, 'quite a few' .. back later .. If the last 2 days website performance is anything to go by it could be FC itself that’s terminally ill, never mind the forum as discussed in another thread.
Post by batchoy on Jan 29, 2014 8:30:01 GMT
Not Waston but a run of the mill server I'm testing prior to slotting it into a Citrix server farm.
On the FC front my numbers look a bit more normal, but I have had fluctuations for some time and they've just been bigger recently. Pulling summary figures daily to do a rough and ready ROI I noticed that with FC that the figure fluctuated far more than that for the other P2P companies I use, at first I thought is as me making keying errors but it was happening too often so I have taken to doing screen captures of the FC summary page and these show its not me its them. My only conclusion is that the calculation of the numbers is not synchronized and some are updated before others so when the FC servers are under stress as they clearly are at the moment the issues become magnified.